The 50 best healthy smoothies recipes to boost your workout

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Consumed before or after your workout, these 50 best healthy smoothie recipes will boost your athletic performance and recovery, allowing you to optimize your workouts.

Smoothie recipe: banana and nuts

To start your first smoothie recipe , Health Pleasures offers a smoothie with banana, especially because this fruit is consistent and provides a feeling of satiety.

According to research published in the scientific journal PLoS One online, eating a banana during a workout is as beneficial as a sports drink. In addition, bananas offer antioxidants, potassium and other nutritional benefits.

Smoothie kale and kiwi

Find your energy with this green smoothie rich in protein. The combination of vegetables and fruit in a milk smoothie is a nice way to stimulate yourself. Kale is rich in nutrients (vitamins A, C and K, calcium and iron).

Oatmeal and cocoa smoothie

A Canadian study found that overweight women who had regular exercise and high-calorie (and low-calorie) diets for four months lost fat and gained 1 1/2 pounds of lean body mass. Milk and other dairy products can help regulate appetite, but their protein can encourage muscle development.

Smoothie rich in vitamin C

Pink grapefruit, pineapple and strawberries are very rich in vitamin C – an antioxidant that fights the disease. If you tend to have low iron levels, it is good to know that vitamin C helps with the absorption of this mineral. Increase your energy before or after training with this delicious smoothie.

Avocado and wild blueberry milkshake

Wild blueberries are good foods for brain health and avocados contain a type of fat that helps lower cholesterol and improve cardiovascular health. This milkshake is a healthy breakfast that will keep you satiated during the morning.

Banana and pear smoothie

Stimulate your morning energy with this pear and banana smoothie. One serving contains nearly a quarter of your daily vitamin C needs. In addition, it contains a good amount of fiber (28% of daily value), which promotes digestion and regularity.

Almond and orange smoothie

Here is a glass with zest! The combined citrus and almond gives you tons of nutrients, including antioxidants. These ingredients can help you regulate blood sugar, lower cholesterol levels, and improve heart health.

Superhero Smoothie

Popeye was right: spinach makes you stronger. Swedish researchers have discovered that inorganic nitrate, which is abundant in spinach, allows muscles to use less oxygen, which improves muscle performance. Try this naturally sweet smoothie at breakfast or before your workout.

Beet and strawberry smoothie

Want a little push to get through your next workout? Beets, which contain a lot of nitrate, can help keep you moving. According to one study, nitrates improve the use of oxygen and allow subjects to train 16% longer.

A raspberry-mocha smoothie for training

Raspberry-mocha smoothie to boost your workout

This delicious nectar contains coffee to stimulate you. Consume this smoothie one hour before your workout so that the caffeine acts optimally. It will allow you to get better performance and go after the effort, in addition to reducing the perception of pain.

Coffee smoothie before training

This consistent smoothie is energizing with the dose of caffeine it contains. In addition, the natural yogurt proteins it contains will support you throughout your workout.

Ultra-simple coffee smoothie to enhance your workout

To satisfy your cravings for caffeine and hunger in one go, turn your iced coffee into a spoonful of chocolate protein powder. Shake well, and that’s it!

Smoothie to eat just before training

If you’re looking for a snack just before training, skip fats and proteins, which take longer to digest. On the other hand, the fruits are particularly digestible, especially if they are ripe or in the form of compote, since their fibers have been altered by cooking. The applesauce is just one of the ingredients of this refreshing smoothie.

Watermelon smoothie after workout

After the sport, hydration is crucial. Watermelon provides a good dose of carbohydrates and electrolytes, making it an ideal fruit to incorporate into your smoothie.

Matcha smoothie before training

Matcha contains an impressive amount of antioxidants in addition to offering stimulating properties and acting positively on the mood. To reap its benefits, only a small amount is needed. To prepare this smoothie, switch to the blender:

  • ½ c. matcha
  • ¾ t. plain soy beverage
  • 1 C. maple syrup
  • 1 banana
  • ½ lawyer

Cherry Smoothie that promotes muscle recovery

According to a new study published in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise , regularly drinking cherry juice significantly increases muscle recovery after intense training.

Smoothie for intense morning workouts

This low-calorie, protein-rich smoothie is a great option for intense workouts because it is both lightweight and supportive. Plus, being flavored with vanilla, it will satisfy your sweet tooth. Mix in the blender:

  • ½ t. almond milk with vanilla
  • ½ t. water
  • ½ banana
  • A spoonful of your favorite vanilla protein powder

After training, eat a more substantial lunch.

Hiker mix smoothie

Make a change from your usual pre-workout smoothie with this version that will provide you with long-lasting energy. Mix in the blender:

  • ¼ t. unsweetened almond milk
  • ¼ t. natural greek yogurt
  • 1 C. cocoa powder
  • 1 banana
  • 1 C. honey
  • ½ c. cinnamon
  • 10 almonds
  • 1 C. raisins

Neapolitan smoothie to drink before training

This tasty drink will no doubt remind you of the scent of ice cream, but do not worry, it is quite appropriate before training. Combine:

  • ¾ t. skimmed milk
  • ½ t. Greek yogurt with vanilla
  • ¾ t. strawberries
  • 1 C. cocoa powder
  • 1 C. at the table maple syrup

Tip: If you have chocolate milk at home, use it for this smoothie and drop the cocoa powder and halve the amount of maple syrup.

Stimulating grapefruit smoothie

Grapefruit is an amazing fruit full of vitamin C. It’s such an exceptional food that even its scent would stimulate metabolism and reduce cravings, at least that’s what a study from Osaka University in Japan suggests. on the benefits of grapefruit. To make this smoothie, switch to the mixer:

  • ¼ t. Orange juice
  • ½ grapefruit
  • ½ apple without skin and cut into pieces
  • 1 t. spinach
  • ½ banana

Chai Smoothie before the sport

This light smoothie is a way to absorb a portion of dairy and fruit quickly before training. Mix in the blender:

  • 1 t. skimmed milk
  • 1 frozen banana
  • ½ c. ground ginger
  • ½ c. cinnamon
  • ¼ c. vanilla extract
  • A pinch of cardamom

Toning smoothie before training

This smoothie contains maca, known to strengthen the immune system, tone the body and relieve stress. Mix in the blender:

  • 1/3 t. water
  • 1 ripe banana
  • 1 C. red maca soup
  • ½ c. cinnamon
  • ½ c. vanilla essence
  • 1 C. maple syrup

Seaweed smoothie before physical activity

Spirulina is an alga with an exceptional nutritional composition, especially for its contribution to carotenoids, iron and proteins. In addition, it stimulates the immune system and promotes weight loss. To concoct this smoothie, go to the blender:

  • 1 t. unsweetened almond milk
  • 2 kiwis
  • ½ banana
  • ½ cucumber
  • ½ t. spinach
  • 1 C. lime juice
  • 2 tbsp. chia seeds
  • 1 C. spirulina powder

Cinnamon brioche-flavored smoothie to enhance your athletic performance

Before training, a cinnamon bun is far from ideal. Opt instead for this smoothie containing less than 200 calories. Mix in the blender:

  • 1 t. unsweetened almond milk
  • 1 frozen banana
  • ½ c. cinnamon
  • ¼ of c. vanilla extract
  • ½ c. maple syrup

Smoothie against bloating

Before a workout, nothing is as unpleasant as bloating. To dispel this discomfort, focus on fiber-rich foods that will not irritate the stomach. This smoothie combines beneficial ingredients to improve this unpleasant situation. It contains kale whose many antioxidants have anti-inflammatory properties. Blueberries, on the other hand, contain phytonutrients including anti-inflammatory anthocyanins, tannins and antioxidants. They are also high in fiber, nourishing and relieve constipation. To make this smoothie, switch to the mixer:

  • 1 t. unsweetened almond milk
  • ½ t. kale
  • 1 t. blueberries
  • 1/4 t. natural greek yogurt
  • 1 C. honey

Add water according to the desired consistency.

Oatmeal Smoothie Pre-workout

Before an intense workout of long duration, avoid leaving on an empty stomach. This lunch smoothie is both light and hearty. Its texture slightly reminds oatmeal. Mix in the blender:

  • ½ t. almond milk
  • 1 frozen banana
  • 1 C. peanut butter
  • 1 C. ground flaxseed
  • 2 tbsp. oatmeal
  • ¼ c. cinnamon

Choco-mint smoothie before the sport

This smoothie rich in vitamin A and protein will support you effectively before training. The dark chocolate it contains is theobromine, a natural stimulant that energizes and improves mood, which is perfect before an exhausting workout. Mix in the blender:

  • 1 t. skimmed milk
  • ¾ fat-free Greek yogurt
  • ¼ t. fresh mint
  • ¼ t. black chocolate chips
  • 1 t. spinach
  • 1 C. at the table maple syrup

Banana bread smoothie to boost your workout

This smoothie contains more than 30 g of protein and is a real lunch. Allow time to digest it. It will satisfy your hunger all morning, thanks to its high protein content that will regulate your appetite. Mix in the blender:

  • ½ t. vanilla soy beverage
  • ½ t. light cottage cheese
  • ½ banana
  • 2 tbsp. walnuts
  • A spoonful of your favorite vanilla protein powder
  • ½ c. vanilla extract
  • ½ c. cinnamon
  • ¼ c. nutmeg

Toning Smoothie for Athletes

This smoothie is loaded with nutrients, including iron and vitamin C. It will boost your immune system. Blend:
the juice of one half of lemon

  • ½ t. pineapple cut into pieces
  • 1 peeled cucumber
  • 1 peeled peach
  • 1 t. spinach
  • 10 mint leaves
  • 1 C. maple syrup
  • 1 C. chia seeds

Poppeye Smoothie

This spinach smoothie will provide you with energy and fill you with delicious nutrients. Mix in the blender:

  • ½ t. spinach
  • ½ t. low fat vanilla yogurt
  • ¼ t. cranberry juice
  • ¼ t. frozen berries
  • 1 frozen banana

Smoothie with strawberry lemonade

The less time you have between your snack and your workout, the more light your snack should be in order to digest quickly. Here’s a simple, easy-drinking smoothie with strawberry lemonade flavor. Mix in the blender:

  • ½ t. pure coconut water
  • 1 ½ t. strawberries
  • ¼ t. lemon
  • 1/3 of t. spinach
  • 2 Medjool dates

Vitamin Smoothie before physical exertion

Carrot is a fantastic source of vitamin A, a powerful antioxidant. It also contains vitamin C and selenium. This combination helps fight free radicals created during exercise. This light smoothie combines the benefits of carrots with those of apple and lemon. Mix in the blender:

  • 1 carrot cut into slices
  • ½ apple without skin
  • 1/3 t. non-fat plain yogurt
  • the juice of half a lemon

Almond and strawberry smoothie

Almonds are an excellent source of magnesium, which plays a key role in converting sugar into energy. They also contain fiber that regulates your blood levels and proteins that fill hunger. Adding almond butter to your smoothie before training will give you lasting energy. Strawberries, on the other hand, contain vitamin C, which turns fat into energy. Mix in the blender:

  • ¾ t. skimmed milk
  • ¾ t. frozen strawberries
  • ½ banana
  • 1 C. natural almond butter
  • 1 C. honey

Energy smoothie

Cardamom is an impressive spice. It has the ability to increase energy and facilitate blood circulation by dilating the capillaries. Stir in your smoothie by following this recipe. Mix in the blender:

  • 1 t. skimmed milk
  • 1 banana
  • 2 Medjool dates
  • 1 C. chia seeds
  • 2 tbsp. lemon juice
  • ¼ of c. cardamom
  • A pinch of cinnamon

Green tea smoothie

The green tea of this smoothie provides valuable antioxidants and will enhance your athletic performance. Mix in the blender:

  • 1 t. frozen pineapple
  • ½ t. Greek yogurt
  • ½ t. skimmed milk
  • ½ t. green tea

Lemon invigorating smoothie

The lemon helps increase energy because its aroma refreshes and stimulates. Mix in the blender:

  • ½ orange
  • ¼ peeled and seedless lemon
  • ½ t. pineapple
  • ¼ t. frozen peach pieces
  • 1 t. ice cubes

Sweet ginger smoothie with molasses

Molasses is an excellent remedy for having more energy, since it is rich in iron. Here is a smoothie recipe that incorporates this delicious ingredient. Mix in the blender:

  • 1 t. skimmed milk
  • 1 frozen banana
  • 1 C. ground flaxseed
  • 2 tbsp. molasses
  • ½ c. cinnamon
  • ¼ c. ginger tea
  • 1 C. vanilla extract

Apricot and almond smoothie for a better workout

The apricot contains interesting sources of iron, copper and magnesium and is therefore ideal before a sports competition to ensure a mineral refill, especially if the effort promises long duration. Mix in the blender:

  • ¾ of t. skimmed milk
  • 1 frozen banana
  • 3 dried apricots
  • 1 C. vanilla extract
  • 1 C. natural almond butter
  • ¼ t. ice cubes
  • A pinch of cinnamon
A blueberry and kefif smoothie for trainingSHUTTERSTOCK

Smoothie simple before exercise

No need to bother with a long list of ingredients to concoct a delicious pre-workout smoothie. Mix in the blender:

  • ¾ t. kefir nature
  • ½ frozen blueberries

Kefir has a unique fermentation process that facilitates digestion and allows the body to focus on absorbing the nutrients and proteins needed for growth and regeneration of bones and muscles.

Pineapple smoothie

The pineapple is concentrated in bromelain, an enzyme that facilitates the digestion and assimilation of proteins, which promotes the repair of muscles.
Mix in the blender:

  • 1 t .ananas cut into pieces
  • ¼ orange juice
  • ½ t. Greek yogurt with vanilla

Add water if necessary.

Acai berry smoothie

Acai berries impress with their antioxidant content, but also for their abundance of amino acids, essential fatty acids and minerals, elements that promote muscle contraction. Mix in the blender:

  • 1 ½ t. skimmed milk
  • 100 g puree of acai
  • 1 frozen banana
  • ½ t. frozen blueberries

Edamame smoothie

Edamame is an exceptional energy food. It is rich in protein and fiber, and contains good omega-3 for heart health. Mix in the blender:

  • 1 t. skimmed milk
  • 1 t. edamame
  • 1 t. strawberries
  • 1 C. honey

Quinoa smoothie

This lightly sweetened smoothie features quinoa to provide a good dose of protein and fiber. Quinoa is a whole grain that satisfies and regulates the appetite. Mix in the blender:

  • ½ t. skimmed milk
  • ¼ t. plain yogurt
  • ½ banana
  • ½ t. frozen berries
  • ¼ t. cooked quinoa
  • ¼ c. maple syrup

Pumpkin seed smoothie

A handful of pumpkin seeds will help you complete your workout. They are a fantastic source of protein, good fats and fiber. They will keep you satiated and you will be full of energy. They also contain manganese, magnesium, phosphorus and zinc, which will give you an extra boost to maximize your workout. Mix in the blender:

  • 1 t. coconut water without added sugar
  • ½ frozen banana
  • ¼ orange juice
  • 2 tbsp. pumpkin seeds
  • 1 t. spinach

Goji berry smoothie

Goji berries and raspberries are rich in antioxidants. Try them in this smoothie recipe before training. Mix in the blender:

  • 1 t. almond milk
  • 1 C. dried goji berries
  • ½ t. raspberries
  • A handful of ice cubes

Wheat germ smoothie

Wheat germ is a gold mine of vitamins and minerals. It is also rich in protein and fiber. It is an ingredient of choice for a smoothie. Mix in the blender:

  • ¾ t. coconut water
  • 1 t. spinach
  • 1 t. frozen peach pieces
  • ½ banana
  • ½ cucumber
  • ½ t. plain yogurt
  • 2 tbsp. wheat germ

Pumpkin Pie Smoothie

Like pumpkin, pumpkin is an excellent source of vitamin A, which acts as a protection against free radicals created during exercise. Mix in the blender:

  • ½ t. water
  • ½ t. puree pumpkin nature
  • ¾ t. Greek yogurt
  • 2 tbsp. ground flaxseed
  • 1 C. at the table maple syrup
  • ½ c. cinnamon
  • A touch of nutmeg, ginger and clove ground to taste

Cranberry smoothie before sport

Cranberry is very rich in antioxidants and it prevents urinary tract infections. Interrupting your training to get to the bathroom every moment is the last thing an athlete wants. In addition, cranberry stimulates good cholesterol. Mix in the blender:

  • ½ t. Orange juice
  • ½ t. Greek yogurt with vanilla
  • ½ t. cranberries
  • 1 frozen banana
  • ½ c. vanilla extract
  • ½ t. ice cubes

Cheesecake smoothie to optimize training

Cottage cheese in your smoothie, why not? After all, this cheese provides a creamy texture to smoothies, as well as being low in calories and high in protein. Mix in the blender:

  • ½ t. skimmed milk
  • ½ t. fat free cottage cheese
  • 1 t. raspberries
  • 2 tbsp. at the table maple syrup
  • ½ c. vanilla extract

Chickpea and blueberry smoothie

The chickpeas are an excellent way to incorporate protein and fiber in a smoothie without using any dietary supplement. In addition, they bring a creamy texture and their flavor is hardly noticeable. Mix in the blender:

  • ½ t. skimmed milk
  • 1 t. blueberries
  • ½ banana
  • 1/3 t. canned chickpeas, well rinsed

Dr. Monika Mathur

Ph.D Yale University

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