How to Troubleshoot HTTPS/SSL Errors?

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Secure HTTPS is an encryption technology that safeguards the connection between a user’s browser and your server. As a result, hackers will have a more difficult time listening in on the chat. Every website receives an SSL certificate in order to confirm the site’s uniqueness.

If a server seems to be utilizing HTTPS but its certificate does not match, the majority of modern web browsers will show a warning and dissuade the user from connecting to the website. There is a chance that you may encounter mixed content difficulties when upgrading your website to HTTPS/SSL. 

Installing a plugin like Simple SSL is the fastest and easiest way to fix this problem. The problem, on the other hand, is that these plugins first record all URLs and then change them to HTTPS before sending them to users’ browsers. This has a little but noticeable impact on overall performance. One method to reduce this is to manually fix all URLs.

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