Invite birds and butterflies in your garden

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 Flowers and plants add color to your landscaping, but the presence of wildlife is really what brings life to it. Here’s what to plant to attract winged visitors to your garden.

The butterfly tree (Buddleia)

The butterfly tree is late blooming; it resembles a lilac whose bunches of flowers give off a sweet smell and shine with shades of red, purple, pink, white or pale yellow. Plant in full light, but away from prevailing winds, to attract butterflies and hummingbirds.

The serviceberry

Whether you name this species Amelanchier, Pears, or any of its common names, this small tree or large shrub is a hardy native plant that attracts birds and butterflies. In early spring, Saskatoon berries provide nectar for early-hatching butterflies; the flower produces a blue and sweet berry, the size of a pea, which the birds come to pick on the branches.

Viburnum (Viburnum, many varieties and species)

There are one or more species of viburnum for each garden. Early-flowering species such as winter cranberry or viburnum produce very fragrant flowers that attract butterflies. Other native species such as trilobal cranberry (V. trilobum) and viburnum nudum produce winter-resistant fruit that allow birds to feed during these arid months. Plant viburnum in soil rich in biological matter and well drained. For best results, choose a sunny spot.

Milkweed, Butterfly Grass (Asclepias)

To attract monarchs to your garden, plant milkweeds. In the larval stage, the monarch caterpillar eats the leaves, stem and flowers of the milkweed, giving it a very bad taste, which protects it from birds and other predators. The favorite of gardeners is the tuberous milkweed, or butterfly flower – flowers with bright red, orange and yellow colors.

Echinacea (Echinacea)

One of the most attractive perennials in a garden, Echinacea has a very long flowering period. It develops very well during the dry seasons and blooms in the shade as in the sun. Beyond the traditional white and purple, it is found in a range of shades such as orange, yellow, gold and green. Butterflies like to sip echinacea nectar: ​​the seeds that are discovered after their flowering serve as food for several songbirds.

The eupatorium (Eupatorium)

This hardy and hardy plant will be comfortable in a damp part of your garden. There must be ample space because the hardy species can reach 1.6 m in height. Pink or white, flat-topped flowers attract butterflies in search of nectar from mid-summer to early fall. Leave the flower heads on the spot after flowering, to serve as food for the songbirds.

The monarda (Monarda)

This plant does not please bees: butterflies, birds and especially hummingbirds like the scent of mint and lavender. Give it a lot of space because it develops in large masses exultant of red flowers, magenta, violets or roses. After flowering, usually in the middle of autumn, flocks of small songbirds throw themselves on the seeds in the flower heads.

Sunflower (Helianthus)

The good news about sunflowers is that there are species that live more compactly and adapt well to small gardens or large containers. Sunflower seeds contain a lot of oil, making them an excellent source of food for many species of birds that feed on seeds.

The Lantana (Lantana)

This annual plant is a great addition to flower boxes, hanging baskets or planters and attracts many species of butterflies. The flower heads are formed of several small florets and several species have different colors in each flower. Remove the dead flowers and the plant will bloom until the first freezes.

Calendula, Garden Care (Calendula)

This easy-to-grow annual plant often repels the following year and is not difficult to control. Similar to daisy, it is found in cream, yellow, orange and gold tones and is an abundant source of nectar for butterflies while birds love its seeds. Easy to grow in the sun or in a partially shaded area, the calendula will continue to bloom as long as you remove the dead flowers. Stop removing the flowers in early fall to leave a good amount of seeds for the birds, as soon as the first frosts arrive.

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