Insecticides available in the market with their Trade name, Company name, a.i., Formulation and Scope.

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Hi all,

I have collected a list of all the major insecticides available in the market and arranged them in a learn-able organized tabular form.

S.No. Techincal Name Trade Name Manfacturer / Distributor General Code for Pesticide Formulation a.i.(g)/Ha Formulation Requirement / Ha Scope Triangle
1 Pryriproxifen 10% SC Lano Sumitomo Chem. SC 10 1250ml White fly in cotton vegetables and other crops Biological
2 Pryiproxifen 5% + Fenpropathrin 15% Sumiprempt Sumitomo Chem. EC 1250ml White fly, American bollworm, etc. Yellow
3 Clothianidin Dantotsu, Dantop Sumitomo Chem. WDG 200gm Only molecule for white grub and mealy bug, Works on broad spetrum of sucking, chewing and biting type. Biological
4 Fenopropathrin Danitol Roddy Sumitomo Chem. EC 10 1250ml Soil pests, Termite, Cut worm, Root weevil, Thrips, Blak bug, Mites and Snails. Yellow
5 Fenopropathrin Meothrin Roddy Sumitomo Chem. EC 30 500ml Leaf folder, Stem borer, Boll worm, Thrips, Black bug, Mites and Snails. Yellow
6 BT Bacteria Dipel Sumitomo Chem. SC Heliothis and Lepidopteran larvae. Biological
7 Pyridigallyl Sumipleo Sumitomo Chem. SC Spodoptera, Diamond Back Moth, Thrips. Biological
8 Acetamiprid Manik Rallis India Ltd. SP 10 50g Whitefly Yellow
9 Buprofezin (IGR) Applaud Rallis India Ltd. SC 206.25 825ml BPH in Rice, Mealy Bug and Sucking pests. Blue
10 Buprofezin 5% + Deltamethrin 0.625% Dadeci Bayer EC 9.4 + 75 1500ml BPH and LH in Rice. Blue
11 Carbosulfan Marshal FMC EC 200 1000ml Rice pests, all types of hoppers, gall midges, stem borers and leaf folders. Yellow
12 Cartap Hydrochloride Cartox Rallis India Ltd. GR 250 6.25Kg Stem borer and Leaf folder in Rice. Yellow
13 Cartap Hydrochloride Caldan Dhanuka SP 250 500g Stem borer and Leaf folder in Rice. Yellow
14 Cypermethrin Cymbush Syngenta EC 250 1000ml Rice bug and Hairy caterpillar Yellow
15 Deltamethrin Decis Bayer EC 12 450ml Shoot and fruit borer and Jassids. Yellow
16 Deltamethrin Decis Bayer EC 0.05% / tree 6 / tree Mango hoppers. Yellow
17 Deltamethrin Decis Bayer EC 15 140ml Leaf folder, Stemi borer, whorl maggot and GLH in Rice. Yellow
18 Diafenthiuron Pegasus Syngenta WP 300 600g Whiteflies, Aphids, Thrips, Jassids, DBM, and Cilli Mites. Blue
19 Emamectin Benzoate Proclaim Syngenta SG 10 200gm Fruit and shoot borers in Vegetables. Yellow
20 Ethion 40% + Cypermethrin 5% Nagata Rallis India Ltd. EC 450 1000ml White flies, Ginger shoot and Fruit borers. Yellow
21 Fipronil Jump Bayer WG 50 62.5 Rice pests and Sucking pests. Yellow
22 Fipronil Regent Bayer GR 50 17Kg Rice pests and Sucking pests. Yellow
23 Flubendiamide Takumi Rallis India Ltd. WG 25 125gm Rice stem borer, Leaf folder, American boll worm and Spotted boll worm. Green
24 Flubendiamide Fame Bayer SC 25 65ml Rice stem borer, Leaf folder, American boll worm and Spotted boll worm. Green
25 Imidaclopid Tatamida Rallis India Ltd. SL 26.7 150ml BPH in Rice, Mealy Bug and Sucking pests. Yellow
26 Imidaclopid Confidor Bayer SL 26.7 150ml BPH in Rice, Mealy Bug and Sucking pests. Yellow
27 Imidaclopid Termex Rallis India Ltd. SC 100ml/sq.m. Termites. Yellow
28 Imidaclopid Admire Bayer WG 500g in 200ml of water for 100Kg of Seed Seed treatment for Storage Insect Pests Management. Yellow
29 Imidaclopid Admire Bayer WG 1g in 10 liters of water for 10 trees Papaya mealy bug. Yellow
30 Profenofos Curacoron Syngenta EC 500 1000ml Wide range of pests (Mites, Sap feeders and Bulk feeders). Yellow
31 Profenofos 40% + Cypermethrin 4% Polytrin Syngenta EC Wide range of pests (Mites, Sap feeders and Bulk feeders). Yellow
32 Spinosad Tracer De-Nocil SC Lepidopteran larvae, leaf miners, thrips, bud worms, fruit borers and termites. Green
33 Spinosad Tracer De-Nocil SC Diamond back moth on Cabbage and Cauliflower. Green
34 Spinosad Spintor Bayer SC Lepidopteran larvae, leaf miners, thrips, bud worms, fruit borers and termites. Green
35 Thiacloprid Alanto Bayer SC Paddy stem borer. Yellow
36 Thiacloprid Alanto Bayer SC Chilli, Thrips, Aphids, Jassids and White flies in Vegetables. Yellow
37 Thiamethoxam Actara Syngenta WG Rice pests. Blue
38 Thiodicarb Larvin Bayer WP Cabbage DBM, Brinjal Shoot and Fruit Borer and Chilli Fruit Borer. Yellow

Hope you all liked it.

6 thoughts on “Insecticides available in the market with their Trade name, Company name, a.i., Formulation and Scope.

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  2. Hi i am JahangirHossain managingdirectorof GeneralAgrochemicalsLtd we need fenpropythrin 10 EC. Please contract with us

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