All about “Redcurrant”, a fruit full of vitamins

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The gooseberry is the fruit of the gooseberry, a shrub with branches with thorns and which can reach 1 m high. There are more than 150 varieties of currants. The countries that produce the most are Germany, Poland and Russia. The currants are usually classified into two categories, the currants and the gooseberries.

Characteristics of the gooseberry:

  • Rich in vitamin C;
  • Rich in antioxidants;
  • Rich in potassium;
  • Slows the effects of aging;
  • Promotes satiety.

What is gooseberry?

Characteristics of the gooseberry

The gooseberries are round, white or red berries about 5 mm in diameter.

Their flesh is filled with small edible seeds and has an acidic taste.

Gooseberry identity card

  • Type: Bay;
  • Family: Grossulariaceae;
  • Origin: Northern Europe and Asia;
  • Season: June to September;
  • Color: Red or white;
  • Flavor: Tart.

Differences with nearby foods

What differentiates the food from its cousins ​​(e.g. peach and nectarine)

Word from the nutritionist

Gooseberries are very interesting fruits to consume as part of a balanced diet. Their antioxidant content and their versatility are its main assets. One serving corresponds to 150g of currants.

Nutritional values

For 100g of currants:

Nutrients                                                             Quantities                                                            
Protein 1.32 g
Fat 0.95 g
Carbohydrates 7.14 g
Water 85.7 g
Fibers 4.6g
Vitamin C 67.9 mg
Vitamin E 0.67 mg
Vitamin B3 0.38 mg
Beta carotene 49.5 µg
Potassium 225 mg
Calcium 27.1 mg


4 benefits of gooseberry: why eat it?

  1. Gooseberries are a good source of vitamin C. In addition to its antioxidant role, vitamin C contributes to the maintenance of skin integrity, helps wound healing, protects cells against premature aging caused by free radicals and facilitates immune functions. In addition, it facilitates the absorption of non-heme iron of plant origin.
  2. Gooseberries are also rich in phenolic compounds and flavonoids, a substance with a strong antioxidant potential that will help fight against the effects of aging and the appearance of certain pathologies.

  3. Gooseberries are also a good source of potassium. Like sodium, potassium is an essential mineral that performs several necessary functions in the human body. With the help of sodium, it helps maintain the acid-base balance of the body and controls the pH inside cells. It is also essential for the transmission of nerve impulses, for muscle contraction, it participates in the proper functioning of the kidneys and adrenal glands and also in protein synthesis and carbohydrate metabolism.
  4. Gooseberries are fruits rich in pectin, a type of fiber that has the property of forming a gel by trapping water. Pectin would have many health benefits including lowering blood cholesterol levels as well as blood sugar. Pectin also has the ability to delay gastric emptying and thus promote satiety. It has also been studied in connection with certain types of cancer, notably colon cancer. Finally it would have the capacity to form a physical barrier protecting the intestinal cells against a microbial infection.

How to choose your gooseberry

To choose well its currants, they must have a bright color and that they are not crushed in the tray.

The different varieties

There are around fifty varieties of currants which differ in color from red to purple, white and yellow.

Keep well

Gooseberries keep for two to three days in the vegetable drawer of the refrigerator. You can also freeze them.

Preparation of the gooseberry

How to cook it? How to match it?

Due to their richness in pectin, red currants are prepared to make compotes, jellies and jams. However, they are also used in the preparation of syrup and wine. They are usually eaten cooked and can be incorporated into pudding, cakes and pies. They are also eaten plain, alone or in salads but raw, they have a sour taste. They go well with pears, plums, raspberries, and pineapples. Redcurrant juice can also replace vinegar in the preparation of a salad dressing.

For gooseberry, it can be eaten raw with a little sugar, but also in pies, sorbets, jellies and syrups, pudding and fruit salad. It can also be used to garnish meat or fish, particularly mackerel.

If the goal is to make jams or jellies, it is better to choose gooseberries that are not completely ripe because their pectin content will be higher.

Cooking currants is done slowly in a small amount of water or juice. It is advisable to add sugar after cooking to reduce the sour taste of these berries. When fresh, they keep for 2 to 3 days in the refrigerator. It is also possible to freeze them whole with or without sugar. It is advisable to wash them only when using them.

History of food

Gooseberries are no longer cultivated in North America because in the 19th century, a fungus destroyed almost all of the shrubs that produce gooseberries. They are therefore not offered fresh in these regions. The name gooseberry comes from a sweet and sour sauce cooked from these gooseberries and which accompanied mackerel in the English.

In France, it has been cultivated since the Middle Ages and we know that it was present in the gardens and at the table of the King of France in the 16th century.

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