All about “Kumquat”, the smallest citrus fruit

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The health benefits of kumquat


If it is less concentrated in  vitamin C  than other fruits of the citrus family, its regular consumption will allow you to improve your intake of antioxidants in order to slow cell aging.

Transit regulator

It is the action of the fibers which will make it possible to solve the problems of  constipation  and disorders of the intestinal transit.


Used as an essential oil, kumquat will have the same benefits as orange essential oil. You will be able to purify the air but also relax by breathing it.

Nutritional values ​​of kumquat

Per 100g of kumquat

Water 81.9g
Carbohydrates 9.6g
Fat 1.18 g
Protein 1.57 g
Fibers 5.45 g
Vitamin C 45 mg
Vitamin B9 17 µg
Energy 55.3 kcal
Energy 231.16 kJ

The main nutrients in kumquat


The fibers contained in kumquat will play an essential role in the regulation of intestinal transit. Remember to consume kumquat with the skin in order to preserve all the fibers contained in the fruit.

Vitamin C

Thanks to the vitamin C provided by kumquat, you will strengthen your immune defenses while limiting cell aging.

Vitamin B9

It is this vitamin that will allow good formation of nerve cells in your body, it is also particularly important for pregnant women since it participates in the formation of the neural tube in the fetus.

Using kumquat in the kitchen: some recipe ideas

The taste of kumquat

Its flavor will inevitably remind you of that of orange at the first tasting, in the base note there is a sweet aftertaste approaching apricot. As it matures, kumquat will become less and less acidic.

How to choose kumquat?

A beautiful kumquat should be orange, measure 2 to 5cm long and have shiny skin without any black spots. It should be fairly firm and have a round to oval shape. It is found on market stalls from the first months of winter.

How to store kumquat properly?

Like all citrus fruits, kumquat will keep best at room temperature, away from moisture and heat. You can place it in a fruit basket with apples to make it ripen faster.

How to eat a kumquat?

Before chewing, remember to clean and rinse well. It should be eaten whole, with the skin to keep all the fibers, note that the skin will give a slightly more bitter flavor.

If you prefer to reduce the bitterness of kumquat, you can remove the seeds from the fruit before consuming it.

What to do with kumquats?

They will be very good integrated into a fruit salad, compote or even candied. They are sometimes used in sweet and sour sauces for recipes inspired by Asia.

Little history of kumquat

Originally from China, the kumquat is a miniature orange, its name also comes from the Chinese “golden orange”. It is the smallest citrus fruit to date.

The kumquat grows on a foliage shrub up to 4 meters in height.

There are different species of kumquat with colors ranging from yellow to orange and with slight variations in taste (the “Meiwa” will be sweeter while the “Hong Kong”, “Nagumi” or “Marumi” will be more acids).

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