What is Ecologically Intensive Agriculture?

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The agriculture ecologically intensive is a movement internationally born during the Grenelle Environment Forum in 2008, the realization that agriculture must be able to be compatible with the ecosystem. It is an association between “produce better” and “produce more” while respecting the environment. For that, some principles are put in place.

Meeting the growing needs

The agriculture ecologically intensive wants to produce in mass quality products. It wants to promote joint actions between farmers and all actors in the food sector.

Give priority to experimentation

For ecologically intensive agriculture, farmers use natural features of ecosystems. They manage energynutrient and water balances. Economic actors must be encouraged to put the farmer at the center of innovation.

For better quality products

The farmer must listen to the consumers. Ecologically intensive agriculture involves choosing alternatives to plant protection products and thinking about a balanced diet.

To evolve practices

To evolve towards an ecologically intensive agriculture, it is necessary to integrate the stakes of the global warming and the rarefaction of the fossil fuels with the evolution of the practices.

Dr. Jake Paul

Ph.D Plant Pathology, University of Georgia

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