Rhododendron arboreum

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Himachal Pradesh is a beautiful state situated in the lap of the Himalayas. There is a diversity in the climatic conditions here because there is a difference of altitude from 450 meters to high of 6500 meters or from west to east and from south to north. Due to height and climate variations, this state is suitable for living in different types of plants and animals.

Himachal Pradesh has a rich heritage of medicinal and other useful plants. Most of these plants are used in traditional medicines, folk uses and modern industries. Some special plants found in Himachal Pradesh such as asparagus, orchid tree, barberry, ginger, datura, gooseberry, yellow jasmine, walnut, box myrtle, rhododendron, basil, wild himalayan cherries and wild pomegranate. Rhododendron is most commonly found in these.

Its scientific name is Rhododendron Arborium, and it has also been granted Nepal National flower status sometime ago. Rhododendron Arborium belongs to Total Eriacci. In Himachal Pradesh, it is commonly known as the name of flower, brass, buras or twelve flower.

It is widely distributed between Himalayan areas between 1200 and 4000 meters. In Himachal Pradesh it is found more in Chamba, Kangra, Kullu, Shimla, Mandi, Kinnaur and Sirmore.

This Bhutan China is widely distributed in Nepal and Pakistan. It is famous for its processed juice of flowers, which has gained much popularity in the form of Roadogues or Burrish Sherbet. Their flowers, which attract their beauty, show their religious significance, these flowers are considered sacred and their offerings are offered during the worship in the temples.

Botanical details

Rhododendrons’ plant is a bush or small tree, which is about 5 meters high. There are several branches in its stem, whose twigs seem to be covered with a smooth, frosted, roasted Bhuri layer. Its leaves are composed of simple and seamless type foliation.

The shape of these leaves is between rectangular and elliptical and it is spherical on the base. The leaf is mostly dense towards the ends of the branches or when the stalks occur in the early stages of development, it remains covered with scabby layer.

Its floral is arranged in an asymptomatic type of inflorescence. The young portions of flowers such as pediseal and calyx are covered with sticking mummy glands. The calyx of its flower is 5-spinach, the Corolla plaque, the camanulate comes in the shape of which is a 4 ct long groove. It has a pendant shape, such as cylindrical, straight and curved.

The color of these flowers is green in the beginning which becomes brown again. The color of its flowers is red or reddish pink, which starts coming from the month of March-April and June-September. Generally, these flowers have more usefulness in medicinal and commercial areas.

Commercial use

In the mountainous areas, the preparation of squash, jam, jelly and decoction is done by using the rhododendron arborium flower. Rhododendron’s juice is a very tasty and enjoyable drink with an appetizer, which gives refreshment to the body and also removes travel nausea. Fresh petals of its flower are used to prepare a delicious sauce, which is called “chaat of Barah”. Its trees are used as wood and fuel. Its flowers and leaves are used in the decoration of houses and temples.

Medicinal uses

Its flowers have high antibacterial quality.
Dried flower diarrhea of ​​Rhododendron arborium is highly effective in the pathology of dysentery.
Applying fresh leaves on the forehead leads to headache, fever, or even for its dry-leaf rheumatism and joint diseases.
The bark of its tree is used in the treatment of jaundice, hemorrhoids, liver disorders and stomach worms.
Its use is extremely useful for cancer diseases, skin diseases, swelling and kidney disorders.
It helps in reducing high blood pressure and bad cholesterol.
In its flowers, there are many antioxidant chemicals that protect our heart and work to the risk of other disorders such as heart attack and also increase the resistance to our disease.
Quercetin and rutine found in Rhododendron puffs are two main chemicals which are most beneficial in heart disease.
Recent studies have confirmed the anti-diabetic ability of Rhododendron flowers.
Roadodendron’s food product capacity

During the past few years, the Rhododendron Squash has gained great popularity due to its bio-pricing ability. Many non-governmental and government organizations are using Roadodendron’s bio-pricing capabilities for economic and social benefits so that value-added products can be prepared such as juice, sauce, squash, jam etc.


Rhododendron is important for commercial and medicinal purposes. So far no scientific research has been conducted on the species of most medicinal plants in the Himalayan region, so it is important to prove their medical potential as scientifically.

These wild eatable plants in the Himalayan region should be promoted as a horticultural crop. Creating awareness about their high nutritional and medicinal values ​​among rural and urban consumers is a must.

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