Insect study – Entomology

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The world of arthropods is a rich, complex and fascinating universe. Whoever is interested in it enters a circle of initiates, amateurs or professionals, who have undergone the powerful attraction of these beings with multiple shapes and surprising customs. This little-known fauna arouses curiosity and astonishment, sometimes fear, but above all a host of questions.

From this was born the idea of ​​bringing together, in an accessible form, information and research tools allowing access to current knowledge on arthropods from here and elsewhere. Good navigation!

Observe, capture, collect …

… And even raising insects, allows you to discover the biology and the way of life of insects while living the most interesting personal or family experiences. These stimulating activities require skills, flair and knowledge!

If an insect is found alive, it is important to let it continue its life cycle in the wild so that it can reproduce and maintain populations of its species. However, a few species, including the praying mantis, ants and colorful caterpillars, are particularly attractive to children. These species breed easily, but can also be captured for the pleasure of observing them… before releasing them!

Observe insects

To observe arthropods is to open the door to an unknown universe very different from ours. It is to discover a mysterious world, dazzling with colors, unusual shapes and unusual behavior. Paying attention to these small animals allows us to appreciate their diversity, study their behavior, understand their adaptations and understand the importance of their actions on the quality of the environment .

A privileged contact with nature!

Taking an interest in arthropods living in their environment allows us to stay in touch with nature while promoting the development of our environmental awareness. Succumbing to the powerful attraction of these beings with multiple shapes and amazing customs is easy and inexpensive, you just have to open your eyes wide!

The ABCs of observing arthropods

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