White Rot (caused by Sclerotium cepivorum)
“White rot” is caused by Sclerotium Cepivorum and is of the most devastating of all garlic diseases. It is caused by a fungus that is soo devastating that it often wipes out entire clusters of garlic plants. This disease produces sclerotia that can remain viable in the soil for decades. At low infestation levels, infected plants may be pulled out and destroyed but in case of high infestation, all sterilising tools are inevitable. It usually comes in patches. Growers may first notice stunted plant growth, followed by the early yellowing and death first of the outer leaves, then the rest of the leaves and the central stem.
Prevention: –
Before sowing the seeds of the seed should be treated with caption (2-3 grams per kg seed). Tricoderma viridi can be used to treat seeds at a rate of 4 grams per kg of seed.
Botrytis Neck Rot of Garlic (caused by Botrytis porri)
Botrytis neck rot causes frequent and significant losses to garlic. First symptoms appear in spring or early summer in the form of water-soaked neck rot near the soil line. After infecting the pseudostem, the fungus grows downward towards the bulb attacking the inner axis and leaving the exterior asymptomatic at first. After curing, the outer wrappers of affected bulbs often display an intense purplish discoloration and deterioration. The inner wrappers may at this point become hardened brown or black.
Purple spot of garlic
This disease is caused by a fungus called Alternaria pori. This disease can occur in any stage of the plant. In this disease, vertical white spots of small, drawn, purple center are formed initially on the scales of husbands or flowers (flower) bunch.
These spots begin to grow slowly and in the beginning the spots are purple. Which later turns black. Many such spots get bigger and they get bigger and husbands get dry after getting yellow. There is a greater outbreak of this disease in Kharif season.
Prevention: –
Before sowing, 2-3 gms of diethaocarbumate per kg of seeds before sowing be treated with seed rate.
Nutrient fertilizers should not be used more and late than the evidence.
Black hair of garlic (black spot): –
This disease is caused by cholotriacam glaosporoid fungus. At the beginning of the disease, on the outer part of the leaf, the parts of the ground become like ashes, which later increases and black hairs appear.
The affected leaves turn furrowed and finally the happiness goes away. After one consecutive one, the husk becomes black and the plants die. There is a rapid growth of this disease in the environment of humidity in Kharif season.
Prevention: –
Plant roots should be immersed in carbadzim 2 ratio before transplantation.
Seeds should be sown in the plant.
Garlic base base: –
This disease is caused by a fungus called fuserium oxyporium. This disease is more prone to high temperatures and areas with high humidity. The low growth of plants and the fall of the pants is the first symptom of this disease.
The roots of the plants planted begin to decay and the plants are easily crushed. The roots of diseased plants begin to become greyish and become thin. In the greater outbreaks of the disease, the tubers start rotting near the root and die.
Prevention: –
The factors of this disease are in the ground. Due to this, proper crop circle adoption is necessary.
Seed should be sown by the dihythrocarkmet (seed rate of 2 grams per kg).
Trichoderma viridiis should be mixed at the rate of 5 kg per hectare in the field with manure compost.
Garlic crop
Garlic Thrips: –
Thrips are the major harmful pests of garlic. These insects are very small in size; Asbestos and adult insects suck the juice of new husbands, after sucking insects juice, there are numerous white colour marks on the husbands. With more outbreaks, the couple tilted back.
There may be an outbreak of the Kido at any stage of the crop. After the transplantation, due to the disruption of the plants, the tubers are not nurtured due to thrips. In the micro-organisms made by the thrips, purple, black brown spots and other fungal germs In the plants, the disease has also been found to increase.
Prevention: –
Forefront 10 g4 kg in the field before transplanting garlic Per acre or Carbufuron 3G 14 kg At the rate of one per acre should be added to the ground.
Dimethoyate (03) 15 ml at each intervals of 12-15 days. Monocrotophos (0.07) 20 ml. Or cypermithrin (10 EC) 5 ml. Or Prophenosphos 10 ml etc. One of the medicines should be sprayed by mixing it in 10 liters of water. Thus, at least 4-5 spraying is required.
Garlic Cutting: –
Sodio (Worm) of this worm damages the plants. They crush the inside parts of the plants. By which the plants begin to dry and crumble easily over decoction. This worm becomes more outraged in litter or slurry, in the drylands.
Prevention: – The remains of the last crop should be destroyed. Pre-prostate 10 g 4 kg Per acre or carbofuron 3g 14 kg Should be given at the rate per acre. Proper crop cycle should be adopted.
Termites in garlic
There is more damage of termite in granular, sandy or light soils. Besides, if the crop remains untidy or raw manure or cow dung is not properly composted, damage is more. Due to this, onion crop is also damaged. It eats root and plantations of plants, causing the plants to dry.
Prevention: – For its outbreak, use those insecticides which are recommended for termites. For example, Chloropyriphos 25EC, Fipronil 0.3% GR.